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Maximo Service Request Quick Guide

To place a new service request with KU Operations, use your KU Online ID and password to sign in to Maximo.

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Maximo Service Request Video Guide

Maximo Service Request Written instructions:

STEP 1: Submit a New Request / View Active Request 

After logging in, you will be in the new Self-Service application. If you have active Service Requests in the system, you will see those displayed first. To submit a request, select the “+” icon in the upper-left of the navigation menu. [View screenshot] 

STEP 2: Category Selection

Select the category that best describes your issue. If you do not see a category that addresses your specific issue, select the “Describe the issue” link at the bottom of the page to provide details of your request manually. (In this case, proceed to Step 4) [View screenshot] 

STEP 3: Sub-Category Selection

If you select one of the predefined work categories, you can then select from one or more sets of subcategories to describe the problem more specifically. After you have specified the subcategories, you will be automatically taken to the "Describe the issue" (Step 4) page.  [View screenshot]

STEP 4: Describe the issue

 a. If you did not select the Category in Step 2, you will need to describe your issue in the 'Describe the issue' text box.

b. If you did select the Category in Step 2, and Sub-Category in Step 3, the "Describe the issue'" box is automatically populated. Now you can choose to provide additional information in the "Enter additional information" text box [View screenshot]

Step 5: Who is the request for?

If you are submitting a request on behalf of another user, enter their KU Online ID in the Affected Person field or use the magnifying glass icon to search for their name. Select the “Next” button.  [View screenshot]

STEP 6: Add a photo or video.

You have the option of adding a photo(s) or video(s) of the issue you are reporting by selecting "Yes." Choose the photo or video from the location where you stored it. If you do not want to add a photo or video, click "No."  [View screenshot]

STEP 7: Where is the issue located?

Set your location in one of the following ways:

  1. To begin, enter the name of your building in the “Select location” field. Next, navigate through the pre-populated list to choose your building level. After selecting the appropriate level, proceed to browse the available space/room options. Finally, click the "Set Location" button to confirm your selection.
  2. Select the “UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS” link and browse through the list to drill down, or
  3. Select the magnifying glass icon to search a building or other location. Select from the results.

              Tip: For best results when searching for a location, enter just the building name and then select the building or building floor from the suggested list. Then use the location tree to navigate to your desired location.

After choosing a location, select "Set Location." [View screenshot]

STEP 8: What asset is the request for?

You can specify If your issue pertains to a specific asset associated with the selected location. If the issue does not involve an asset (or if the expected asset is not found), select the room from the list or select “Skip this step.”  [View screenshot]

STEP 9: Review your request

If your request is urgent, check the box to submit the request as High Priority. Select "Submit request."  [View screenshot]

STEP 10: Back to the landing page

After submitting your request, you will be returned to the Active Request screen and will see your newly submitted request listed. [View screenshot]

STEP 11: Sign out

Sign out of Maximo by selecting the person icon in the upper right corner and then selecting “Sign Out.” [View screenshot]